We had a quiet Christmas. The crummy weather helped, who wanted to go out in snow, 50 mph winds and temperatures in the single digits? I had lots of time to spend quilting my wallhanging. I was not happy with my first attempt, I didn't like the color of the thread behind the tulips - too dark. It looked too busy! As I quilted it I kept asking my husband, "Do you like the thread color, do you REALLY like the thread color?" He usually echoes what I am thinking in the back of my mind, but this time I got the whole thing quilted before I decided I/we didn't like it. Here is the first attempt:
Here is a close-up which shows the thread color better:
I finally decided I just didn't like it at all, so I ripped out all the stitches. It took three days, but I am glad I did it. I re-quilted it in a light gray. Sometimes you just have to rippit! Here it is all finished:

I also added more quilting in the sky so it wouldn't look all baggy. I quilted the ground pretty heavily so I needed to even things up. I've already started my next project, a miniature wholecloth quilt to enter in MQS this May, but I am going to run out of time. I have customer quilts waiting to be quilted starting the first of the year.
Love the quilting pattern -- it looks like spring breezes blowing around the tulips. I can't quite see the 'too busy' part -- maybe a closeup of the new color thread for comparison with the first try? Any way I look at it, it is gorgeous. You are such a brilliant, creative, talented artist! My hero(ine).......