When Peter and I bought our house in Sedgwick we realized we would need to build a separate building to have room for a longarm machine. We originally planned to renovate the old garage (build in the 1920's) as a studio but soon discovered it was too decrepit, infested with termites and had an old well inside. We ended up taking it down and building a 24 x 26 foot building behind the house. It seemed huge at the time but now is crammed full of stuff.
Part of my thread stash.
More thread in all the shelves and cabinets along the wall. Do you like the repairs on my chair cushion? That's my quilt It's Turtles All the Way Down on the back wall.
A view of my stash with my first wholecloth Indian Summer on the wall. Just not enough time to straighten my fabric shelves. I need a couple more days to do that.
Design wall and cutting table. I can roll the table out of the way and use the design wall for photographing quilts.
Ribbons! And photography lights.
It's nice to have it cleaned up for a day or two. As soon as I get back to work it will return to normal!