My guild, Prairie Quilt Guild, had a meeting on Tuesday and the speaker was Susan Stewart. I have really been looking forward to her program after seeing her quilts in Houston and Paducah. Since she lives in Kansas she was able to drive to Wichita and bring lots of quilts with her. She brought most of her show quilts and it was a treat to see them up close. She does amazing things with her embroidery machine, she makes stand alone lace with lots of thread and stabilizer and has an article coming out in Quilter's Newsletter about that. She also quilts beautifully with her home sewing machine. It's no wonder she has won many awards for her quilts! Here are a few pictures from our meeting.

The edging on the borders of this quilt is her embroidery machine made lace.

At the guild meeting I talked to Tamara, who does the most amazing crochet. I absolutely flunk knitting and crochet, but I love to see what other people can do. Tamara had these cute little sweaters or jackets, I wish they fit me! She made one to fit a teddy bear and will be posting it on her blog -

I finished a cute applique snowman quilt for Sheila. This is probably the fourth one of these I have quilted, but it is a cute pattern, and it has been over a year since I did the last one so I enjoyed quilting it again. I hate doing the same thing over and over again so it is a challenge to come up with new ideas. I'm just starting on a really amazing quilt for June - it's the most incredible pieced quilt with both Mariner's compass and Pickle dish blocks. She said it has over 4000 pieces in it! I'm starting on the Stitch in the Ditch tomorrow, the SID alone may take days!