
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Lots of blooms

Trudy has made a series of these fused applique flowers, these are the second duo I have quilted for her.  She designed them herself, inspired by the work of Susan Carlson.

She made good use of batik fabrics.


Since she wanted all four quilts to be quilted in the same way, I made a template for the border frame and marked each one with chalk.  I quilted the borders first so the chalk wouldn't rub off  before I got to them.

We have had rain, rain and more rain here in Kansas.  After four inches in one day I saw flooded streets on my walk.

The roses love the rain, they are covered with blooms.  I wish the sun would come out long enough so I could  enjoy them - they are so wet that the blossoms droop from the weight.

Cute Rorschach in a box photo.  I can't get rid of this box, all the cats take turns in it!


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