
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Little quilts and Final Friday

Leslie brought me three little quilts and I only remembered to take pictures of two of them.   She said they had been sitting around for years all finished and unquilted.  The one up above is a small signature quilt.  Leslie likes dark quilting thread so it is a little hard to see the quilting.

This flying geese quilt is miniature size - very cute. 

The Wichita Art Museum contacted Prairie Quilt Guild about doing a demonstration at Final Friday; a monthly art walk through Wichita art galleries.  They were honoring Kansas Arts as part of the 150th birthday of Kansas as a state.  This is ironic since our current governor apparently puts little value on the arts.  I'd better not get started on that subject - this is a quilting blog!

I asked the board of the Guild for someone to demonstrate hand quilting and the two Paula's volunteered.  Here is Paula on the left doing hand piecing and hand applique and Paula on the right doing hand quilitng. 

I thought we should also show machine quilting, so I brought my sewing machine with me and made a small quilt to demonstrate machine quilting.  I got my machine all set up and started to quilt and I heard  "thump thump CLUMP, thump thump CLUMP!"  Something was clearly wrong but I couldn't figure it out.  My machine is going to the repair place and I guess I just proved one of the advantages of hand quilting!

We are having a heat wave and I am ready for it to end.  I don't like it when it doesn't cool down at night - I find it hard to sleep even with the air conditioner going. We have lost our bedtime cat companions too - they aren't in the mood for snuggling.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous quiltwork on the quilt! Good luck getting your machine repaired!
