
Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's a deedle-deedle night

Thank you Desley for the book I won!  I know I will enjoy Karen McTavish's Quilting for Show.  It will be exciting to receive a package from Australia - I don't think I ever have before.  Desley shows her beautifully quilted work on her blog Addicted to Quilts, you can see it here

In answer to a question by Desley about my quilt Wild Child, yes the borders are done with trapunto and the color surrounding the trapunto is all thread.  I used Glide thread for the first time and really liked it.  It is a 40 wt. trilobal polyester and the colors really glow.

It has been unseasonably cool this spring but today is more like usual: it's warm, humid and we're under a tornado watch.  We keep a weather radio next to the bed and when it updates it makes an obnoxious sound:  DEEDLE DEEDLE DEEDLE.  Tonight we expect to have what we call a deedle-deedle night with updates coming every time we drop off to sleep. 


  1. Ooooh thank you so much for the close up. The amount of work in that must be incredible. It looks amazing. What a beautiful, stunning quilt. I can't believe it didn't win anything.

  2. What a beautifulm Quilt! that must have taken a long time to do. Hope you get some sleep!

  3. Hope you have a very quiet night. I also am in disbelief that your quilt didn't earn anything. I guess yours will be from all of your blog followers, "Bloggers Choice". Thank you for the close ups.
