
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy NQD

At the last meeting of Prairie Quilt Guild, Debbie Maddy was the speaker.  She brought 6 or 7 suitcases jammed full of quilts (she drove here from Texas) and when I saw the piles and piles of quilts I was sure her program would be hours long.  But she zipped right through her program and it was great fun to see all her quilts.  Her specialty is making traditional patterns easier using half square triangles. 

We also had our Guild Challenge, the theme was 'What Goes Round, Comes Round.'  There were three fairly hideous fabrics that had to be used and there had to be one circle at least 4 inches made from one of them.  These are a few of my favorites up close:

This next one is sideways, I couldn't get it turned around the right way.

Mine is not one of my favorites, but here it is:

Today is National Quilting Day and appropriately enough, I spent the day working on a quilt.  I'm on the committee for our Guild's Opportunity Quilt and today was a work day to get the packets ready so we can hand them out to the people making blocks for us. It's a secret for now, so it will be a while before I can post any pictures.  I think it will be gorgeous!


  1. Wow-some talented quilters in your guild! I love the quilting on number 35!

  2. Jan, I always love looking at all the wonderful projects your guild and friends are doing. The "circle" theme quilts are just so neat. It's amazing all the different ideas everyone came up with.
    Thanks for sharing.
