
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Christmas in July

I tried to think of nice cool Christmas-y temperatures as I quilted this for LaVerna.  She does beautiful embroidery and will sew beads on now that it is quilted. I look forward to seeing it all finished!

Why should I expect July in Kansas to be anything else but hot?  And it is - HOT!  100 degrees and humid, it's another day to hibernate indoors in the air conditioning.  I sneak outside only in the early morning when it is a mere 80 degrees or so to water and check for tomatoes. The basil is happy but the tomatoes are waiting for cooler temperatures to set more fruit. We had our first BLT of the summer a few weeks ago - YUM!


  1. What a beautiful quilt! I love all the embroidery - probably because I can't do it very well. My Mom had to finish an embroidery project that I started! Best, Lisa

  2. Your feathering is fab! Love the way you do that!
    You say it's 100degrees in central Texas it's only 91....and partly cloudy...that is strange.
    Take care.

  3. Your feathers are just great. I might have to mail you a quilt. Do you accept mail orders?

  4. Your quilting on this quilt is gorgeous. I love the embroidered garland too, was this quilt from a pattern, or did she design the garland herself?
