
Monday, May 3, 2010

Trimming is finished!

I finished trimming the trapunto on Lynn's quilt - it took 15 hours all together.  Miraculously, I did not snip the top even once, which is a first for me!  I had to sneak a couple of other customer quilts in before I could start quilting this one but it is now on my machine.

I finished this cute quilt that Annette made for her Grandaughter Katie. Katie (who is cute as a bug) requested "dogs and butterflies" which might stump some Grandma's but not Annette!

Saturday was Herb Day at the Farmer's Market in Wichita.  I bought fresh aspagus (YUM) and assorted herbs for my garden.  When we got home I set them on a bench behind the house until I could get them planted.  Several minutes later I looked out the kitchen window to see one of the neighborhood cats batting something around under the bench - it was the catnip, already chewed down to a nubbin!  I brought it inside to let it recover and Lily found it.  Somehow, I don't think the poor little plant will ever make it to the garden.

Saturday was also the all-city garage sale here in our little town.  I didn't hit every sale, but I did find this great old turkey platter.  I love the goofy turkey with a purple head!


  1. I just bought some trapunto batting-haven't decided on my project-just wanted to try it. The dog quilt is adorable-lucky girl!! I love to eat asparagus-anyway you cook it!!

  2. Have fun with your trapunto - hope you don't snip the top as I usually do!

  3. This quilt is so cute! and I don't even like dogs..........

    I love the idea of an all-city garage sale. Were there any quilts?

  4. Your quilting, as always, is outstanding!!!!
    The turkey platter is wonderful. I was fortunate enough to receive my grandma's.....I enjoy using it at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Great find!
