
Thursday, April 22, 2010

A day in the life of a clutz

Sylvia made this baby quilt for her grandaughter - she did such a beautiful job!  I quilted it with two colors of pink thread.

Yesterday I was such a clutz.  Peter and I went to Pei Wei for lunch and ordered lettuce wraps.  They are very juicy and I managed to drip down my hand all the way into my sleeve, leaving a nice soy sauce colored stain on my shirt.  Then I managed to bounce a noodle off my boob, leaving yet another stain on the shirt.  Later, in the parking lot I dropped my purse in a puddle.  My purse is crocheted , so it got totally soaked. Luckily, the purse is sort of dirt colored anyway.  Maybe I should buy soy sauce colored clothing too.  After all this I went to the "beauty" parlor for a hair cut.  On days like that, it's safest to stay home!


  1. Sylvia's quilt is beautiful, I love the border and the colors. Staying home is no guarantee of not getting stuff on you, I also dropped part of my dinner down the front of my shirt (BBQ sauce).lol Sometimes there are just days like that.

  2. Wow, I love the quilting you chose for this quilt. Well done!

  3. Well, it was Earth Day. Your purse wanted to be closer to the earth. And I like the idea of soy sauce-colored clothing. Don buys and wears only grease-colored pants (the mechanic's color of choice). The alternative to all these problems is to wear all-vinyl garments, so alas, we stain and swear.
