
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sugar Plum again

I finished quilting my miniature wholecloth, Sugar Plum.  After I had washed and blocked it and let it dry I didn't think the design (the unquilted purple part) showed up very well.  I decided to (gulp) paint that part with fabric dye in a darker color.  It was scary to do, but I think it is an improvement - what do you think?  I may even do a second coat to get it a shade darker.  After all that work I at least want the darn design to show!

It did snow yesterday, my poor crocus look a little chilled.

Back to customer quilts tomorrow.


  1. Your quilting is absolutely stunning! What a gorgeous mini.

  2. I like the purple that you added and agree that it shows the quilting off much better. Congratulations on a stunning finish.

  3. Sugar Plum looks great. The quilting is outstanding and great job on the dying as well.

  4. Wow, it's spectacular. I definitely agree about the painting. Gorgeous!
