
Monday, December 14, 2009

Resolution for 2010

Usually I don't make New Year's resolutions but this year I resolve to allow time in my schedule to work on my own quilts! I did leave holes in my schedule for me but they always filled up because I couldn't say no when friends asked me to finish a special quilt for them, or good customers asked me to fit a quilt in, or my guild asked me to quilt our Opportunity Quilt. I actually felt depressed because I had so many ideas for my own quilts, and no time to work on them! I told Peter I had Quilt Constipation - maybe that's a little too graphic.

However, I loved getting to quilt my guild's Opportunity Quilt (In Kansas we can't call it a Raffle Quilt because that would be gambling, so we call it an Opportunity Quilt and that isn't gambling - go figure). Prairie Quilt Guild has over 700 members so there are a lot of talented quilters . Guild member Debbie Johnson designed the pattern and it was beautifully appliqued by guild members. I was really honored to be asked to quilt it! The pictures were taken before the scalloped binding was attached.
I did manage to take this month off and it is great fun to have time for my own projects. I'm working on a wallhanging which I will post once it is ready to be quilted.

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